Sunday, March 26, 2017

Advertising space available: as Google loses the partners because of the scandal with videos on YouTube


The world's leading companies, including PepsiCo, Volkswagen and Starbucks, have refused to deploy its advertising on the video sharing site YouTube. The reason was the investigation, during which it became clear that many well-known brands advertising before the show was broadcast clips racist. Despite assurances from Google that the company urgently taking steps to remedy the situation, journalists and Internet users continue to discover new examples of advertising to questionable content.

The American corporation PepsiCo, Wal-Mart and Starbucks have paused your ads on Google in the first place - on YouTube. They took this decision against the background of the unfolding scandal around video sharing: advertising well-known brands show up in front of the rollers, which have a discriminatory or even racist. The first note is paid journalists The Wall Street Journal. Earlier, from the show on YouTube advertising declined a number of well-known companies, including mobile operators AT & T and the Verizon, as well as carmaker Volkswagen. The situation has not improved even when Google publicly acknowledged problems with the targeting mechanism and promised to take all necessary measures to ensure that commercial advertisements are not displayed together with questionable content.

However, as found out The Wall Street Journal, even after the Internet giant has promised to remedy the situation, at least five rollers racist accompanied by advertising Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, Amazon and Microsoft.

In particular, Procter & Gamble advertising was played before the video "History of 6,000 years of the Jewish world order." Moreover, the WSJ notes, it still remains accessible, while most of the other rollers, which are written in the media in connection with the scandal, have been removed from service. Another example: the advertising of products and owned by PepsiCo Microsoft Minecraft game was preceded by a 15-minute video "Tearing the veils with Jewish lies."

The Wal-Mart said that withdrawing advertising from all Google products, as "content, which thus associated company, is repugnant and contrary to the values ​​of the company."

"We are extremely concerned and very disappointed that some of the advertising of our brands has appeared in movies, violent or abusive. PepsiCo has taken immediate steps to remove their advertisements from all non-search platforms, while Google does not provide a clear guarantee that this situation will not happen again. PepsiCo is famous for its long history of acceptance of cultural diversity and inclusion, and such content is contrary to our core values, "- responded to PepsiCo.

Google reaction


Google quickly responded to the outbreak of the scandal. Commercial director Philip Shindler said the company feels responsible "for the protection of this vibrant creativity of the world", though not always agree with the views of the authors. But at the same time, he recalled that the obligations in the Internet giant is and to advertisers, due to which there are many content producers.

"We understand that advertisers do not want to see their ads next to content that does not comply with their core values. Starting today (21 March. - The RT ) we take a harder line with respect to the content with inciting hatred, insulting and derogatory content, "- said Schindler.

Among other things, as explained by the commercial director of the corporation, the Google toughen rules to your ads show only on the materials of "legitimate creators of" participating in the affiliate program. It will be reviewed and content services policy - also in the direction of tightening. In particular, the company promised to develop a new tool for advertisers, which will allow them to keep track of what specific materials will be on display advertising.

"We offer our advertisers and agencies greater transparency and understanding of exactly where their videos are played, and in the coming months, we will also provide them an opportunity to reports on individual videos (video-level reporting)», - stressed Schindler.

"For Google, nothing is more important than the trust we have established between users, advertisers, publishers and content creators", - assured the corporation.

However, the company is already feeling the economic effects of the scandal. So, Monday, March 20, the value of shares Alphabet (holding that part of Google) has fallen more than 3% - to the level of about $ 839 for a security.

"When a user creates a content, everything goes out of control"

As explained by RT Valery Kashin - founder and CTO Auditorius, specializes in Internet advertising procurement scandal around Google today is related to the actual problem of the security of the brand (brand safety) in the digital environment.

"The attempt to advertise the brand only in the place where he wants to be called brand safety: where there is no what to see around the brand itself does not want to", - said Cashin.

"The question is how companies that represent these brands, great. It all depends on the number of impressions that brand purchases. The larger the advertising campaign, the more impressions where not need a brand, the more direct negative impact on t. N. brand safety. If we talk about the problem of video from YouTube and basically brand safety, then the problem is severe enough, because it is not so easy to solve, "- said the expert.

The fact that existing technologies can help solve the problem of targeting banner ads on sites with text information: conducted in the presence of analysis (or absence) of certain keywords - for example, those which the company does not want to see next to the name of the brand. Then the system automatically decides on display advertising.

However, with video, Kashin explains increasingly difficult:

"Firstly, the video analysis process technologically more complex than the process of analyzing it on the page and the text. Secondly, if the text can understand, from the video audio information converted into text and words to find patterns that are not suitable for the brand, the video complicated. To date, the technology of artificial intelligence have not learned to understand, in fact, the content of what is happening in the video."


So, for example, current developments in the field of artificial intelligence can identify individual objects, imprinted in the video, but they are not able to analyze the context of the whole material. Even if there are present ordinary objects that surround us every day, he at the same clip may have a negative or illegal sense. However, AI is not able to understand this (and, consequently, to limit the display of advertising).

"Cognitive technology is not quite understand how to interpret the content that is in the video is. Therefore, there are similar scandals and problems - they are likely to arise more some time until the brand safety technology in the video will not work as suits brand. Until then, the brand must either abandon the advertising, where video content is unknown, or to live with it and plan such reputational risks at the moment of the campaign, "- emphasizes the founder Auditorius.

The current scandal surrounding the Google, according to Valery Kashin, due to two simple reasons. First - YouTube is the largest to date in the world of video sharing. The second is that content on YouTube, in contrast to traditional television, created by the user (UGC - user-generated content): the content of any material not previously known to the advertiser - hence, it is difficult to calculate the possible risks. "Where the content the user creates, everything goes out of control", - summed Kashin.

Source: RT

Tags: The Google, the YouTube, Internet, Nationalism, Racism, Advertising, Media, US, investigation, Finances, Online

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