Tuesday, March 14, 2017


The Xbox One Scorpio can go out at the end of the year, the information about it is still sporadic and sometimes subject to caution. However, some specialist websites occasionally find a few hints to learn more about Microsoft's future machine, which has already been presented by the firm as the most powerful console ever.

It is therefore today Windows Central that emanent the information that will follow, information freshly obtained from "sources of trust" (as the site specifies), which we will take for our part with the unavoidable pinch of rigor.

Through this article, we learn in particular that the next console of Microsoft would be equipped with an internal power supply. The Redmond firm seems to have made a definitive cross on the unsightly external blocks present with the different models of Xbox 360 and the first version of the Xbox One ... no one will complain.

The Xbox One Scorpio decidedly turned to the 4K

Besides these basically material considerations, Windows Central also evokes the issue of 4K.

If we know for a long time that the Xbox One Scorpio was created to be able to run games in this resolution (and that one can imagine that the console will also be able to play 4K videos), remains That the issue of capturing, streaming or decoding the very high definition remained suspended.

The Scorpio is still compatible with the HEVC and VP9 codecs (allowing 4K video streaming, such as those proposed for some time by Netflix) But also comfortable with HEVC encoding in 2160p / 60 fps (allowing this time capture and stream in 4K / 60 fps).

Obviously it will be necessary to have the adequate internet connection to take full advantage of these features, but if this information turns out to be right the Scorpio could well be a showcase console for the 4K in the world of the video game.

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