Sunday, August 9, 2015

How To Succeed On Internet Way Google

Cara Sukses di Internet ala Google
YouTube is one room for creativity.

Jakarta - Google has made pop culture changed widely and quickly in the clutch internet. Look at YouTube, with the service everyone can create content that is wanted on its own channel.

There are many ways to show off content owned and positive gain popularity on the internet. And Google, through the Head of Communication Google and YouTube Indonesia gives tips to be successful on internet.

1. Be Real.

Be yourself true for wrestling in the internet world. Based on Google's search results, it was found that 5 people are most often searched on Google is the youtuber.

The youtuber can even beat the popularity of artists hollywood like Jennifer Lawrence and Katy Perry. What makes this youtuber can beat the popularity of famous artists? Given that they are just an ordinary person and not a celebrity.

One answer of the Princess is to try to show your true personality. Differences between youtuber and other celebrities are youtuber behave like ordinary people, so that people can see themselves in the youtuber selves.

2. Do not follow the rules.

Be flexible. Do not follow the rules that already existed before. By 'breaking' the rules, daughter says you will be different from most people. This is what will make you stand out in the crowd.

3. Use all sources owned.

Take advantage of all the resources belong to you to maximize your business in the internet world. Gadget, Internet, and social media will be very helpful in achieving success and success in the era of the Internet as it is today.

4. Do not be afraid to fail.

If it fails, it does not mean all your efforts come to an end. Unlike the state of the old times, now thanks to the presence of the Internet, you can improve your failures more easily.

"If you display advertising on the Internet did not attract much attention, you can edit the ad and upload it back on the internet many times until you get the public's attention," said the Princess.

According to a recent survey conducted Google, Indonesia is the country with the most Internet users in Southeast Asia. Smartphone users in Indonesia alone has increased by 50 percent.

(Indonesia CNN)
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