Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Perseid meteors will rain down Indonesian territory


Perseid meteor shower will re-occur in 12 to 14 August 2015. The natural Fenoma will also take place throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia (RI). "It (the Perseid meteor shower) can be seen from midnight until dawn in the North," said the head of the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan) Thomas Jamaladin, Tuesday (08/11/2015).

There are three main requirements to be able to witness the natural phenomenon. Namely, the sky in bright conditions or no rain, not affected by light pollution, and the field of view is not obstructed. Because the Perseid meteor shower occurs in the North, then in that direction should not be deterred anything.

Thomas advised not to use tools such as a telescope vision while watching the Perseid meteor shower. Therefore, meteors come from comet Swift-Tuttle that can already be seen with the naked eye.

"When using the telescope will be obstructed field of vision. Preferably without tools. Precisely with the naked eye so wide field of view. But if the telescope possibility unobstructed field of view," explained Thomas.

Meanwhile, the US space agency (NASA) states that 12 and August 13, 2015 is an ideal condition to see the Perseid meteor shower. When the peak of the meteor shower occurs, the moon will be dark or dim. "Moon during the peak rains are still very new, this makes for a nice beautiful appearance," says Bill Cooke of Meteorid Environment Office NASA in NASA's website.

In 2014, the peak of the Perseid meteor shower was accompanied by the emergence supermoon. Bright moonlight last year reducing the appearance of the Perseid rate slid at least five times in 20 hours. "We expect the current (rain) meteor to 100 (meteor) per hour," says Cooke.

In his article, NASA wrote that this year is a special year to see the Perseid meteor sightings. Perseid meteor debris tail is the rest of the Swift-Tuttle comet, which once passed close to Earth in 1992.

The comet debris left towards the earth. As I entered the Earth's atmosphere, the particles will burn the rest of the comet so that it becomes light. Perseid name is taken from one of the most shining point of the current in the constellation Perseus.

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