Saturday, January 17, 2015

Woke After Coma for 13 Years

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Martin Pistorius woke up after a coma for 13 years (photo:

Coma is unconscious state long-term sufferer can not respond to stimuli, hearing the conversation, even see anything around. But, the man who has been in a coma for 13 years, said the opposite.

Many say that a person who comma means being in a state of deep sleep. However, people who could not be woken coma despite a painful manner. As a result, the patient will not be aware of and will not respond to sound or different kinds of activities going on nearby.

In the late 1980s, Martin Pistorius is just an ordinary boy who grew up in South Africa. But at the age of 12 years, he suddenly stricken with a strange disease that can not be understood by any doctor. He could not move, speak, and even eye contact.

Martin stated coma almost 13 years and the doctors could not diagnose the disease. Even the doctors had asked the family to give up Martin. But the miracle has happened to him.

After a coma for 13 years, suddenly the nurse who took care of Martin saw Martin moved his lips and smiled. Having examined at the Centre for augmentative and Alternative Communication, University of Pretoria, Martin was deemed to have fully realized.

During the period of his coma, Martin said that he actually hear and feel whatever happens around it. However, he could not command her to respond. He knows when her mother told her hopes die, even he felt when his sister move.

Once aware, Martin tried to catch up over the 13 years to learn to write, read, until finally he got a job and get married. Now, Martin Pistorius launched a book called Ghost Boy containing travel and life lessons of hard times until finally he able to rise.

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