Friday, July 24, 2015

NASA re-discover Earth-like planets

NASA Kembali Temukan Planet Mirip Bumi
NASA returned to find planets similar to the Earth's contents, and possibly habitable (dok.NASA)

Artificial NASA Kepler instrument is intentionally designed to search for Earth-like planet back of new findings. Kepler planet capturing larger and older of the Earth in the habitable zone.

"Now the Earth is not so lonely," said Kepler researcher, Jon Jenkins.

Earth-like planets were named Kepler-452b. The location is approximately 1,400 light years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. Citing CNN's website, NASA stated that the Kepler-452b 60 percent larger than Earth.

It interestingly, where he 'residing' is in the habitable zone, the region where liquid water that could sustain life are very likely to be present on the surface of the planet.

NASA team believes, if we visit the Kepler-452b, we will feel the gravitational force twice that of Earth. However, NASA itself has not been able to ascertain whether the surface of Kepler-452b rocky and had water and air elements like Earth. Even so, researchers say the planet would be better if the surface is really rocky.

While Kepler-452b distance to its parent star a little farther than the distance of the Earth to the sun. Only the parent star is brighter than the Sun, so the 'cousin' the Earth is getting as much energy.

Kepler-452b believed takes 385 days to orbit its parent star - not much different from the time of Earth's orbit around the Sun, ie 365 days.

Jenkins also revealed that the rays 'sun' Kepler-452b is the same as that received by the Earth from the sun. Not only that, Jenkins said, the planet has an atmosphere although not yet certain what the material is made of.

Jenkins is still of the opinion, if appropriate geographical assumptions, the atmosphere Kepler-452b possibility thicker than Earth and has active volcanoes.

"This could be a great opportunity for the birth of life. Of course that is needed is all the ingredients and conditions that support civilization to be earnest created on this planet," said Jenkins.

Kepler spacecraft was launched on 7 March 2009. Kepler observations that run on May 2009 until April 2013 has detected more than 554 planet candidates. Since January, the number increased to 4,175 planet.

Kepler other recent findings last January is Kepler-440B, 438b, and 442b, as in previous years he also managed to find a Kepler-186f, 62F, 62E, 296e, 296f, and 440B are also included into the list of the Earth's twin.

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