Wednesday, July 15, 2015

New UFO video for experts dumbfounded

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(Photo: YouTube)

Glance does indeed look like a toy. However, experts believe a UFO turns alien spacecraft.

Recorded in Brownsville, Texas, United States-Mexico border by two laymen named Quintero and Jose Salvador, flying saucer sightings of similar objects that have successfully made the experts were stunned. "It's really amazing video filmed by two independent witnesses," said an expert with the tone quite convincing.

Well, according to the video, the object is recorded using HD cameras by the two witnesses that have the same size as a large SUV car and hovered around 300 to 500 feet above them. Both also did not hear any noise, but felt a kind of vibration that can not be seen.

However, netizens do not just believe, and then assume that the video was a fake. Some claimed that the foreign matter that is "remote-controlled model with good" and some are simply think of it as "man-made military aircraft".

So, how do you think?

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