Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Well, Google "Dismissed" and Changed So Alphabet?

Wah, Google
(Photo: ABC)

Bye, Google. Welcome, Alphabet! Sounds weird huh?

The technology giant, Google is in the re-organized as part of a larger company, named Alphabet. Alphabet formation announcement is delivered directly by the chief executive of Google, Larry Pane.

"Basically, we believe this will allow us to do larger-scale management. Alphabet is a large business enterprise that is made by the leaders of a strong and self-reliance." Pane said.

Liam Page itself will now be serving as the head of the Alphabet, which will control a large number of companies that currently are under the umbrella of Google. While his position as CEO of Google will be replaced by Sundar Pichai.

With Google merger into Alphabet, Google would be more efficient to focus on the technology field. In addition to overseeing Google, a large umbrella Alphabet will also oversee studies under Google Ventures, Biology, Google X, Nest, Calico and Google Capital Banners.

This change also means that the Alphabet replaces Google Inc. as a publicly traded company, and all existing shares will be converted automatically.

Well, whatever it is, which is important Google is not going anywhere and it will grow. So do not worry, tasks and all the questions you are going to tetep answered by Google. Hehehe.


(Source: Digital Spy)
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