(Illustration: Techebizz)
By default, people can actually do a search for you just by using your mobile phone number as soon as you add the number to a Facebook profile. It also has been proven by a software engineer named Reza Moaiandin.
FYI, Moaiandin has weakened the "security arrangements that are not so unknown that allows anyone to find a Facebook user by typing their phone number into the social network". In short, just by using a random phone number that connects to your Facebook account, Moaiandin can gain access to "name, profile photo, and location of the users".
In addition, Moaiandin also stated that the leaked information is tantamount to "walk into the bank, asking for personal information of several thousand customers based on their account number and the bank say to you: 'Here are the details of the customers.' 'So, if you want to remove your phone number from Facebook, just open this link.
(Source: Various Sources)