Friday, July 31, 2015

How to Check Is Facebook We Got 'Hack' Or Not

In using social media, especially Facebook we must be careful with any information or personal data we are, because if the case until the information could be compromised by the irresponsible and misused it will be an adverse impact on us.

Facebook users often are not aware if their accounts are being or even hacked. But, there is a way to know whether a Facebook account has been hacked or not.

This method is so easy that even modest. We need to do is simply go to the settings section and select security. This security option menu located at the left of the screen, exactly under the General or above privacy.

On the Security menu, select the menu Where You're Logged In. Inside the menu, we can see through any device and anywhere we belong to this account has been accessed. If there is a suspicious activity on our Facebook account, then the thing to do is just press the button End All Activity.

By using these buttons, confirmed the hacker will immediately log out of the account belongs to us. The next step for us is the security of your account by changing the password or password to prevent hackers re-enter the account belongs to us.

In addition to the above, we also can ask Facebook to provide a warning system whenever anyone tries to access our account on the device or the new browser. Such notice will be given in three places at once, namely through Facebook itself, E-mail, or SMS to the number that has been registered by the user.

To use these features too easy. Still on the Security menu, then select the Login Alerts. In the menu, users can set their own where the notification will be given.

Had selecting a notification via e-mail, every new login, Facebook will send a notification to a predetermined address.
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