Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Facebook "Down" Three Times a Month, What's Up?

CBC - error notification page on Facebook

Within a week, Facebook had twice inaccessible (down). First for 10 minutes on Friday (09/25/2015) morning last.

Early today, Tuesday (09/29/2015), Facebook back can not be accessed in a longer period of time, ie, for 40 minutes.

"Sorry, there was a mistake. We're fixing it and will be completed as soon as possible," so the sentence template back Facebook page shown on the screen.

Twice disruptions within adjacent significant impact on Facebook. Reported KompasTekno of the BBC, the stock value of social networking is down four percent to 89.25 dollars US per sheet.

According to company technicians, Facebook impaired in Graph API. Simply put, "Graph" is a term used Facebook to describe the core of the system up.

Status, photos, and other uploads, which is connected to all the people, groups and Pages are processed via the Graph. Sometimes, Facebook Graph disorders also can affect other companies connected to Facebook data.

The company founded by Mark Zuckerberg is overshadowed communication flows almost 1.5 million netizens worldwide. However, with a barrage of interference, the number of Facebook users could be decreased.

"Twitter is ready to accommodate 30,000 refugees Facebook," says the account @Aly on Twitter. The chirp retweet (RT) 533 times and starring (favorite) 651 times.

"I am concerned with #facebookdown. Someone challenged me to stop playing up and I do it," says the account @DaveLieber.

In fact, Kingston police in London wrote pitched chirp humor to satirize the social networking giant.

"Yes, we can justify the up-down. Please do not contact us! This is a good opportunity to spend time with family #Facebookdown," account @MPSKingston write.

There are still a lot of chirp-chirp tone of sarcasm aimed at following up the second time could not be accessed in a while, this week. Earlier, on Friday (18/09/2015) and then, Facebook also was down for a while.

However, the disorder quickly repaired so that netizens not too felt the impact of the problems experienced by the system up. If combined, the Facebook made history three times down for a month.

Facebook promised to fix the problem completely on the Graph API. Hopefully no more disturbances in the fourth this month.

Source: BBC.com/KOMPAS.com
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