Friday, August 21, 2015

Former US president Jimmy Carter announces cancer pain on TV

Mantan Presiden AS, Jimmy Carter Umumkan Penyakit Kankernya  (NYTimes)
Former US President Jimmy Carter announces The cancer disease (NYTimes)

New York - On Thursday, August 20, 2015, the President of the 39th made a new chapter, and probably final round. Entering the room Carter Center who met the media, he walked nimbly as a cat. With a light step, full of courage and clear and flavored humor, he announced that this time the cancer eating away parts of the brain.

"I've had a wonderful life. I have thousands of friends. I've been an adventure," said Carter, who is now 90 years old at a press conference broadcast on national television from the Carter Center, as published in the LA Times on Friday (08/21/2015).

Shoulders already bowed, but his voice was firm and his eyes shine even discuss the radiation therapy he faced. Carter also spoke details of the medical condition and the impact on his life.

On this occasion, in addition to talking about his health, Carter also told his failure at the time rescue US hostages in Iran in 80. At that time he served as the first US also managed to reconcile Arabs and Israel.

"Should I provide a helicopter again to save them. But no. If it survived, I could have been more," Carter said with a grin.

David Axelrod, President Obama's former chief strategist, said on Twitter, "President Carter teaches us all a lesson in facing our own death."

Ken Khachigian, Reagan speech writer, praised the courage Carter when announcing his illness. US president Ronald Reagan also announcing Alzhaimernya disease in public.

Medical facts Carter was quite alarming. Doctors still do not know the source of the melanoma where the cancer originated. Successfully detected cancer in his heart in May. In early August, the doctor returned to find four small spots on the brain Carter.

"I just think they have a few more weeks," said Carter.

Carter, the former US president both are still alive, who first was George HW Bush - said he was just a little pain and continue to hope life continues. Although plagued by a deadly disease.

Both the former president chose to make an announcement about their health in writing, such as Ronald Reagan did in 1994, when he revealed Alzheimer's disease.

"My life has been in the hands of God," added Jimmy Carter followed his wife's loving gaze.

Jimmy Carter and the Myth of Human Rights

Ever since Jimmy Carter was elected president of the United States 39th, it offers a kind of 'herbs' for countries that have been fed up with scandals 'Watergate' President Nixon - predecessors - and was disappointed with the Vietnam War. He is a man without a flowery sentences when speaking.

In his reign, USA pinning the slogan of human rights in its foreign policy. However, reality says another.

Throughout he led, the United States was behind the regime of authoritarian and dictatorial countries that they support, among other things, he had invited Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe regime of killers and criminals to the White House.

Jimmy Carter dan Robert Mugabe (

Behind his friendly smile, Carter was a supporter of the regime of the Shah of Iran and are behind the Iranian revolutionary movement at that time. Carter and the US government also supports the Nicaraguan dictator Somoza, who led for 44 years. At the time of the Indonesian invasion of East Timor in 1977, Carter showered ease the purchase of weapons to the Indonesian military.

But in the four years of his administration were filled with 'thistles and thorns', the former governor of Georgia it seemed to lose its charm for the majority of US voters.

His appearance was tired and boring. After one period, the Uncle Sam decided they could do better, and replace it with Ronald Reagan friendly.

After retirement, he made himself a role model for civilian policies. Founded the Jimmy Carter in 1982, this organization plays a role in the resolution of international conflicts, monitoring elections and public policy as well as help alleviate poverty in third world countries.

Due to his ability to diplomacy, 'mediating conflicts', a man who is now aged 90 years was given the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 were among the many protests from human rights activists.

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