Friday, July 3, 2015

Police: No shooting at the Navy Headquarters, Washington

Polisi merespon laporan penembakan dan penyegelan daerah U.S. Navy Yard di Washington, Kamis (2/7).
Authorities in Washington said on Thursday (2/7), they did not find evidence of a shooting in the Navy Yard in Washington.

Police responding to reports of shootings and sealing areas of US Navy Yard in Washington, Thursday (2/7).

There is no evidence of shooters at the headquarters of the Navy US Navy Yard, which was closed after reports gunshots Thursday morning local time, according to police the Navy and police the city of Washington.

No person detained, and weapons were found, and there are no reports of injured people in the Navy Yard, which is the administrative center for the US Navy.

Dozens of police vehicles with their sirens surrounding the facility located a few blocks from the Capitol Building Washington, DC, after the news of the shooting was reported at 7:30 am local time.

But after nearly two hours at the scene, police said they could not confirm the existence of the shooting.

VOA reporter at the scene reported that most police were started to leave the compound around noon.

Police searched room after room in the building Navy Yard, where in September 2013, a military contractor, Aaron Alexism killed 12 civil servants before he was shot dead by police.

At the same time, the authorities raised the alert level of security outside the White House, close to the pedestrian street near the presidential residence.

Washington Navy Yard
Washington Navy Yard

Officials ordered civil servants and military offices in the Navy Yard to leave the building while the investigation takes place. The images from television showed police wearing bulletproof vests entered the complex.

Police responding to reports shootings in the US Navy Yard, Washington, July 2, 2015.

The incident occurred just two days before the celebration of US independence on July 4th.

Most of the materials of this report is derived from AP, AFP and Reuters. (
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