Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Chrysler Fiat paid 90 million US dollars due to the recall of vehicles

Fiat Chrysler Bayar 90 Juta Dolar AS Akibat Recall Kendaraan
Fiat. AP/Luca Bruno

Fiat car manufacturer Chrysler will spend 90 million US dollars due to recall its vehicles under an agreement with the US regulators, the company said as quoted by AFP.

Italian-American automaker will pay a fine of 70 million dollars to the Agency Then Lintar Highway Safety Agency (NHTSA).

The company will issue another 20 million dollars for "customer activities and incentives for enhancing the level of completion of the specific recall" and required to pay an additional $ 15 million if it fails to comply with points of agreement.

According to the deal anyway, an independent auditor will monitor the recall process of the company for three years.

If the company does not meet the requirements imposed, NHTSA investigation could extend another year.

Yesterday, Wall Street Journal, citing sources, reported that under the agreements that the company would buy back the vehicles being towed.

Fines imposed for violations of the law in the recall of 11 million vehicles, including old models Jeep rear gas tank associated with a number of fatal fires.

NHTSA accused violates the provisions of this manufacturer because not alert the car owner about the problem and does not repair the damage properly.

Last Friday the automaker announced the recall of 1.4 million vehicles in the United States after hackers showed that they could control remotely a Jeep Cherokee driven while.

A penalty amounting to 90 million US dollars charged to Fiat Chrysler (FCA) is greater than that imposed on General Motors (35 million dollars) because of delayed recall and and against Honda (70 million dollars) for covering the issue of safety in the number of vehicles AFP.

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