Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Japan plans to plug the toilet in the elevator

Approximately 20% of the 620.000 elevators in Japan are in various buildings in the capital Tokyo.

Japan plans to install toilets in various lifts in the country so that people who are stuck in the elevator when the earthquake can still pee.

This step is considered by officials and associations elevator manufacturers, after dozens of people were trapped in 14 elevators, many of them for more than an hour, when an earthquake measuring 7,8 on the Richter scale, in the south of Tokyo, on Saturday (31/05).

Almost all elevators in Japan will automatically stop at the nearest floor during the earthquake, but there are some who jammed between floors of the building, which makes anyone who is in it can not get out.

The toilet design, among others, made of cardboard that can be folded, which is equipped with a waterproof bag or impregnation substances.

Some elevators in Japan is already equipped with a toilet, but this facility is usually reserved for seniors.

Japan has about 620.000 elevators in various buildings, approximately 20% of which are in the capital Tokyo. (BBC)
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