Sunday, August 2, 2015

Unique, This Bridge Has a Circular Design

Unik, Jembatan Ini Punya Desain Melingkar
Infinite Bridge

Has the aim to facilitate human reach one spot toward the other place, the bridge became a much-needed means of connecting people to save time to transport.

If you usually have a bridge built across the length and to connect the two land crossings and as a human being. This time, a bridge come up with an innovative circular design on the shoreline.

Bridge with the name 'Infinite Bridge' is just not going to take you anywhere, because the circular shape and make you spin without end.

 As quoted by the NY Daily News, the bridge was purposely built by a Danish architect firm with the aim of supporting an environmental exhibition around the beach themed 'Sculpture by the Sea'.

The bridge, which has a length of 183 meters and a diameter of about 61 meters is increasingly providing a unique view of the beach Thors Mollebaek Area. The exhibition itself always attracts half a million visitors each year. In addition, there is also the work of 56 artists and architects are exhibited at the shoreline areas.

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