Monday, July 13, 2015

Video: Unfortunate pickpocket recorded through Tongsis

Illustration (google image)

Tuber named Diego Mino. Cool when it comes to events attended by the Pope in Ecuador.

When it is cool to use tongsis (selfie stick) unconsciously he managed to record a pickpocket who took his mobile phone. Funnily enough it was not aware of the pickpocket gang action recorded via camera phones were placed in tongsis.

On the video, the thief deliberately follow Diego, trying to reach into his pocket. Just like pickpockets in Indonesia, they also work together in teams in order to carry out the action.

Although Diego lost his cell phone, but he managed to identify the faces of two pickpockets. This video had been viewed more than 100 thousand times.

Well, hopefully this video may be evidence of an investigation by the local police to find the perpetrator. Here's the video:

(source: Metro)

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