Thursday, February 5, 2015

King of Jordan Fly Jet Fighter Attack nest ISIS

Raja Yordania Terbangkan Jet Tempur Serbu Sarang ISIS
King of Jordan (

King Abdullah II was furious because ISIS execute pilot Jordan, Moaz Kasasbeh, by being burned alive.

Jordan's King Abdullah, reportedly flew fighter jets alone to combat militant Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). He was furious because ISIS execute pilot Jordan, Moaz Kasasbeh, by being burned alive.

"Jordan's King Abdullah II will participate in person on Thursday to carry out air strikes against terrorist organizations hideout ISIL (ISIS) for the execution of pilot revenge Jordan [Kasasbeh] by ISIL," the report IraqiNews page, as quoted Dream, Thursday, February 5th 2015.

"The fight against ISIL will not end and we will fight them in their hiding place," the report added.

Before the throne, Abullah II was a Major General in charge of the Special Forces Jordan. Abdullah also has a Cobra Attack Helicopter Pilot certificate. In 1980, he joined the Military Academy and was commissioned as a British Sanhurst Second Lieutenant in the British Army.
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