Sunday, January 25, 2015

Asteroid 'Cruise' Approach Earth Tonight

Asteroid 'Kapal Pesiar' Dekati Bumi Malam Ini
Illustration of a celestial body. (Doc. ESO via Reuters)

Asteroid 2004 codenamed BL86 that since last week discussed will eventually reach a point closest to the Earth, which is at a distance of 1.2 million kilometers, on Monday (26/1) tonight at 23:20 pm or 11:20 EST.

Distance tripled between Earth and the moon is believed to be the closest distance to the asteroid with the Earth.

Asteroid by doubling the yacht is somewhat anticipated by the astronomical observer. From the report EarthSky websites, asteroid 2004 BL86 will emit bright light and can be seen through the telescope.

"For Indonesia still use binoculars to see it," said Agustinus Gunawan Admiranto, solar physics researchers in the field of the Sun and Space Lapan (National Institute of Aeronautics and Space).

The brightest light to be emitted BL86 predicted asteroid 2004 between the hours of 23:07 to 23:52 EST on the same day of 26 January, or approximately at 11:07 until 11:52 pm on January 27 tomorrow.

Unfortunately, the best location to see this asteroid is in America, Europe, and Africa. While the Australian region and eastern Asia seems to have to wait a few hours before the asteroid that emits light most explained.

"Indonesia will be the same as Australia, have to wait first to be able to enjoy the light of the asteroid," said Gunawan told CNN Indonesia some time ago.

Binoculars hefty considered able to show the movement of the asteroid better. Reportedly, 2004 BL86 will appear slowly, not as fast as a meteor shower, but faster than the movement of the moon to the stars.

As for the other asteroids are predicted to approach the Earth in the near future, the asteroid 1999 AN10 on August 7, 2027 in a distance of about 30 thousand kilometers.

Asteroid 2004 BL86 was found on January 30, 2004 by an astronomer who was operating in the Lincoln Near-Earth asteroid Research (Linear) at White Sands, New Mexico, USA.

This asteroid would otherwise incur collision threat to Earth because it is the only crossing near Earth orbit.

(Source: CNN Indonesia)
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