Monday, June 29, 2015

CEO of SpaceX: Falcon 9 rocket Natural Excess Pressure

CEO SpaceX: Roket Falcon 9 Alami Kelebihan Tekanan
Falcon 9 rocket (REUTERS/NASA)

Artificial SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, which carries an unmanned Dragon cargo exploded before reaching the space station. The Company also provides information related to the cause of the explosion of the rocket.

"Falcon 9 experienced problems shortly after turning off the engine first stage. They have excess pressure in the liquid oxygen tank top," said Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of SpaceX, Elon Musk, in his statement, as quoted from ArsTechnica, Monday, June 29, 2015.

After the incident occurred, SpaceX has held a press conference and explained this. SpaceX president, Gwynne Shotwell, said the company never thought this would happen.

"We see some kind of indication of the pressure in the second stage. This is what we will investigate," said Shotwell.

Falcon 9 exploded over the Atlantic ocean. Within two minutes after takeoff, all seemed perfect. However, 139 seconds into the mission, in the first stage of separation, the two separate devices.

Falcon 9 rocket consists of two stages. The first stage was the engine deactivation, otherwise known as Main Engine Cut Off (MECO), which is carried out in 159 minutes while flying. However, 20 seconds before it happened, rocket experienced an anomaly.

In a live broadcast remotely visible, the rocket had reached an altitude of 45 kilometers to fly and move at a speed of 4,700 kilometers per hour.

Dragon cargo, which carried rocket Falcon 9, has a unit weight of about 4,000 pounds. In it there is the research and trials, the supply of goods and material needs of the crew, and hardware for use on the ISS.

Human Exploration Division Associate Administrator of NASA, William Gerstenmaier, said it was a loss for the space agency.

"Today, not a place where I wanted to be. However, we realize, space flight is not easy and does not want this to happen. We lost a lot of important research and equipment in this penerbagan. We lost the IDA, water purifier, and smocks space. We will find a way to fix it all, "he said.

IDA is part of a reconfiguration of the station is important for several spacecraft Where possible use the same docking port to orbit, including owned and SpaceX Dragon spacecraft Boeing's CST-100.

There are 2 IDA owned by NASA, and the first was destroyed exploded along Falcon 9. Meanwhile, a second IDA is rumored to be re-launched in the next SpaceX mission. (
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