Thursday, December 11, 2014

History Today: The First Radio In The World

Guglielmo Marconi (

Did you know that today is an electrical engineer Italian, Guglielmo Marconi, managed to find the world's first radio. Thanks to the services it was Marconi also received the Nobel in 1909.

Guglielmo Marconi was born from a small family in Bologna, Italy on April 25, 1874. In 1894 Marconi tried to demonstrate the existence of electromagnetic waves that are not visible to the eye, moving through the air at the speed of sound. Then he had an idea that these waves can be used to send signs across long distances without passing the wire that provides many possibilities for the development of communication that can not be reached telegram.

On December 12, 1901 he succeeded in creating a communication through radio signals across the Atlantic Ocean, from England to Newfoundland. Radio wirelessly transmits it is a remarkable achievement in communications technology. Increasingly important role of radio in 1909 after the SS Republic damaged by collision and sank to the seabed. Radio news very helpful, all passengers can be saved except six people.

In the same year Marconi won the Nobel Prize for his discovery. And in the following year he managed to send a radio message from Ireland to Argentina, with a distance of more than 6000 miles. Finally, the first radio was invented by Marconi we can still enjoy the benefits today.

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