Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Nurse jailed for criticism of the people of Singapore

Ello Ed Mundsel Bello
Comments Ello Ed Mundsel Bello rated hurt the feelings of the people of Singapore. Getty Images

Singapore court sentenced four months to nurse the Philippines regarding comments that incite on Facebook.

Ello Ed Mundsel Bello had been working as a nurse in Singapore and dealing with the law after cornering the people of Singapore, saying they are the ones who lose.

For his comments, the judges reward three months' imprisonment.

Sentence plus one month since Ello Ed Mundsel Bello found guilty of lying to police investigating the case after complaints some residents.

"In a country where the only resources are human beings, we should not allow any actions that could potentially be a threat to social stability and security," said the judge Siva Shanmugam, Monday (21/09).

Warga Singapura
Singapore authorities do not want comments that could ignite tensions in the community. Getty

The sentence was lighter than the prosecution of one month.

Bello lawyer said his client would not appeal and hoping to get leniency so she can celebrate Christmas in the Philippines.

Singapore authorities take seriously any comments that could spark racial tensions in the country.

Half of this year a teenager, Amos Yee, was sentenced to four weeks in prison for insulting religion and spreading obscene material. (bbc)
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