Monday, August 10, 2015

Ferguson Commemorate Black Teen Shootings

Kerusuhan Ferguson, AS
Ferguson unrest, US (AP)

FERGUSON - Hundreds of people participated in a march in memory of the tragedy Ferguson exactly a year ago, Sunday (9/8). Common prayer and a moment of silence was held to remember the shooting of a black teenager by a white police officer.

Blacks, white, children and old people go down to the street. Last year, August 9, 2014, Michael Brown (18 years old) shot dead by police in Saint Louis, Ferguson, Missouri in a riot.

Marchers stopped at the location of Brown lying after being shot. They silence for 4,5 minutes to remember that Brown was lying there for 4.5 hours.

Marchers also fly two doves. Teddy Bear, candles and flowers filled the street where Brown died. "I suffer every day. But I tried to convince that it is not what to do this," said Brown's father, Michael Brown Sr., quoted by Reuters.

He participated in the parade carrying a banner 'Black Lives Matter' and wearing T-shirts 'Chosen for Change'. He claimed to only want justice for the suspects who killed her son.

The police officer who shot Brown, Darren Wilson had been declared unlawful when shooting Brown. However, a federal court ruled that the police department violated the rights Ferguson population predominantly black for years.

The originator of the event on Sunday said they wanted to make Ferguson moments alive. It's expected to be a new national movement, the article Brown's death has sparked a wave of humanity in US cities, such as New York, Cincinnati, Baltimore, Charleston and South Carolina.

The march and rally was also held in New York on Sunday. About 100 people gathered in Brooklyn and a moment of silence for 4.5 minutes. The parade was also held in Manhattan.

Most of the parade on the weekend were peaceful. But there was a slight incident when shots were fired and one person was injured. Police said the incident was not related to the march because the target audience is people who want to church.

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