Monday, August 10, 2015

US Soccer Legend Frank Gifford Dies at Age 84

(Courtesy: VOA Indonesia) Matan pemain New York Giants Frank Gifford saat menonton sebuah pertandingan di East Rutherford, New Jersey.
(Courtesy: VOA Indonesia) Former New York Giants Frank Gifford while watching a game in East Rutherford, New Jersey.

US soccer player or a professional American football a place in the Hall of Fame as well as a veteran broadcaster, Frank Gifford, died at the age of 84 years.

In a statement Sunday (9/8), his family said Gifford died of old age at his home Sunday morning near the city of New York.

Born in 1930 in California, Gifford known through college football team the University of Southern California before joining the National Football League (NFL) in 1952 as the 11th team player New York Giants.

During the 12 years of his career he performed with the Giants and was named the most valuable player in the league was in 1956 while the Giants team won the league championship. Because of athleticism and eloquence, Gifford became a star of the team and he is also adept as part of the team's defense and special teams.

After retiring as a football player he became a sports broadcaster and then as a commentator on the program "Monday Night Football" for ABC from 1971 to 1997 year. He also appeared in a number of Hollywood films, including the most popular is the World War II drama "Up Periscope."

His wife, Kathie Lee Gifford, is becoming daily news announcer for one hour in the program "Today" on NBC News television network.

(Source: ElshintaDotCom)
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