Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Movies in The United States Independence Day

Film-film ini terinspirasi dari hari kemerdekaan negara Amerika Serikat yang jatuh pada tangga 4 Juli. Apa sajakah?
These movies inspired by the United States Independence Day which falls on stairs 4th of July. What are?

The independence of the United States is celebrated every 4th of July. Starting from the history of July 4, 1776 when the country's Superpower in the Continental Congress declared independence against imperialism Great Britain or England.

The historic day became one of the inspirations of the filmmakers set about the freedom struggle or war movies. Like a movie with the title in 1776, a musical film featuring the return of Americans struggle in a war called the American Revolutionary War to the declaration sought.

Learn more about the films that are set in America's independence can be listened to in the infographic below, Saturday (04/07/2015):

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