Deadpool (Photo: Screen Rant)
The latest movie trailer of Marvel's already been aired at Comic-Con, but not yet released to the public.
Hence, the fans must have wondered and wondered when the hell we are going to see a movie spin-off of the X-Men who think funny and different from the other Marvel films this? Do not worry, your long wait will soon be over.
The actor, Ryan Renolds just had leaked the official date trailer 'Deadpool' in talk show along with Conan O'Brien. According Renolds, 'Deadpool' will be thrown to the public on 4 August, or three days from now. Whew, finally ya guys!
For you who do not know, the movie 'Deadpool' will be action-comedy genre, which is a spin-off of the story of Wade Wilson. Wade Wilson is an antagonist character that first appeared in the movie "X-Men Origins: Wolverine''.
In addition, the film made by director Tim Miller is also going to introduce other Marvel characters, such as the Weasel (TJ Miller), Angel Dust (Gina Carano), and Negasonic Warhead (Brianna Hidlebrand) that will appear in filmX-Men as well.
'Deadpool' will be released in February 2016. Wait, yes!