LOS ANGELES - Soon, Madame Tussauds Museum San Francisco will add to his collection. The museum will exhibit waxwork singer of I'm Not The Only One, Sam Smith.
Reporting from BusinessWire, the plan of the wax statue will be on display starting next week.
"Madame Tussauds is honored to celebrate the achievement of Sam Smith in the music world and welcomed into the Music Room we were. We could not wait for offers to the fans for the opportunity to be closer to one of the most beloved singers," said General Manager of Madame Tussauds, Chris Connors.
In order to look perfect statue, a man 23 years reportedly had to sit for hours. The sculpture also have to go through the stages of a 3D scan, to make sure the model and proportion as closely as possible to the original.
Interestingly, the statue whose real name is Samuel Frederick Smith will be in the Music Room and coupled with other singers, such as Adele and Sir Elton John.
Visitors can see this statue began Monday, August 10, 2015. Sam is also scheduled to be present to show off the wax figure. Sam will come after completing his appearance at Outside Lands Music Festival this weekend.