Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Drone Capture Image Crop Circle Alien

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Crop circles in England (photo: Mirror)

Some in the British media proclaim the advent of a mysterious crop cirlce in maize plantations in the area of ​​Stonehenge, England.

In the recording images captured by the camera drones, looks strange circular shape in the middle of the corn fields. Not just their large size, but the piece and its shape is also very perfect.

Community wondered whether the crop circle is really coming from other creatures in outer space, or just a fad artwork created by local farmers. Well, obviously because of this phenomenon, cornfield Stonehenge so well-known and visited by many people who are curious to see directly.

Meanwhile, according to researchers from the site MrGyro, crop circle is very remarkable, but not something mysterious. "First of all, crop circles is perfectly fine and will be fun for crop circle enthusiasts who are interested to see it. But we tend to speculate own and make theories about how crop circles are made. If the aliens can travel to the UK, why they should leave a message in the form of a circle on the plantation? They could make other forms. So, this is incredible, but not mysterious. "

(Source: Mirror)
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