Sunday, July 12, 2015

Embarrassing incidents Miss USA finalist at the Stage

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Miss Nevada at the stage of Miss USA 2015 (Miss USA)

The final night of Miss USA held in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles, Sunday, July 12, 2015 evening local time. Many exciting events when the event arena pageant was held. One of them is the incident that befell Miss Nevada, Brittany McGowan.

As he walked on stage, there was a minor incident but it is quite embarrassing for McGowan. When brought evening dress on stage, suddenly McGowan tripped.

Brittany is one of the finalists who made it into the top 10. She was wearing a sexy evening dress and fancy and shiny. The dress was increasingly make this woman look beautiful and perfect. Audiences transfixed when she took off material cascaded, which adorned the dresses sexy.

Unfortunately, perfect appearance was a little disturbed by the incident tripped. Fortunately, she immediately control the situation so as not to make it fall. She went on the catwalk session smoothly, and gave a smile confidently in the direction of the jury.

Admittedly the 25-year-old woman, she was a little nervous with the rapid changes occurring on stage. The incident brings luck for McGowan.

McGowan managed to advance to round five. However, this incident was in the spotlight in cyberspace. "Still love Nevada," said one netizen on Twitter as reported from Hollywoodlife, Monday, July 13, 2015. "When she took off hanging material, it is very cool. The moment was amazing .. but she tripped," said another.

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