Ilustrasi blue moon (
At the end of July 2015, or on 31 July, citizens of the world the opportunity to see a rare natural phenomenon. In late July, the citizens of the world can see the full moon are different, or so-called blue moon.
However, do not think a month later as the name will be blue. The color of the full moon at the time remain as usual yellow. Why is that?
Reported by, Wednesday, July 29, 2015, the term blue moon is the naming for a rare sighting of the full moon. Because, in July, there are two full moon in a calendar month.
The first full moon occurred on July 2, and the next full moon occurred on July 31. The second full moon in July, is also special, because it appears to be 'extras'.
Arguably rare, because under normal circumstances, within a month had a full moon. But this particular year, in a year there are 13 full moon sighting.
In detail, the full moon sightings throughout 2015, namely January 5, March 5, April 4, May 4, June 2, July 2, July 31, August 29, September 28, October 27, November 25 and December 25.
Entering 2016, the first full moon will appear on January 23.
Unknown, blue moon sighting is indeed come in a range of 2.7 years.
In this regard, Chairman of the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), Thomas Jamaladin, asserted in an unknown astronomical term blue moon.
"Blue moon is not a term astronomim, it's just a term for a rare full moon. The color stays yellow," Thomas said in a written message to
However, wrote, there is potential for a rare sighting of the full moon was like blue, if there is a large volcanic eruptions that release tons of particles in the air.