Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Blake Shelton-Miranda Lambert Officially Divorced

Miranda Lambert (kiri) dan Blake Shelton (kanan)
Miranda Lambert (left) and Blake Shelton (right) (EPA/Tannen Maury)

Couple country singer Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert officially divorced after being married four years. Divorce both decided after a judge in Oklahoma finish the letters or certificates of their divorce on Monday (20/7) local time.

The final decision came shortly after the news of both announced plans to divorce the public.

"This is not the future we imagined. With a heavy heart we had to walk to the front with a split. We're only human, with real life with friends and colleagues. Therefore, we ask for privacy and the support of all parties regarding this very personal thing , "the two said in a statement, as quoted from Aceshowbiz, Wednesday (21/7).

Previous website TMZ reported, Blake is a party that filed for divorce. He filed a lawsuit Oklahoma about 2 weeks ago.

A source close to both said, divorce Blake and Miranda are very easy since both already have a prenuptial agreement. All financial arrangements have also been arranged beforehand.

Blake Shelton also known as the jury 'The Voice' first met with Miranda Lambert in 2005, when the two duet on the stage 100 Greatest Duest Concert. Shelton was then still a husband of Kaynette Gern.

Both later started a relationship in 2006 and fiance in 2010 and then married in 2011.

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