Saturday, July 4, 2015

Before Bald Because Kemo, Mother's Request In-Mohawk Hair

Sebelum Botak karena Kemo, Ibu Ini Minta Rambutnya Di-Mohawk
Jan Kalleher (Photo: Facebook)

South Carolina, this woman has actually been declared cured of cancer since 2001. Yet somehow some time ago called the cancer recurred. Knew her hair would fall out because of cancer treatment, he decided to do something different.

Recently Jan Kelleher returned diagnosed with lobular carcinoma or one type of invasive breast cancer after a remission in 2001. In the near future, her would be directed to undergo chemotherapy. There is even a possibility of both breasts in January is expected to be lifted.

Jan decided to accept the situation. But before losing the crown on her head, Jan asked the princess to cut her hair into a mohawk.

"It's really the idea of the mother. One morning he called me, and asked me to come home. She said it was no hair dye there," said the princess, Sarah told the Daily Mail, and was quoted on Saturday (4/7 / 2015).

Only in a matter of minutes, a woman who has stepped on the age of 62 years was seen to have hair that is not unusual for a person his age. In addition to stylish mohawk, hair Jan also painted with pink color. Moment where Sarah cut their hair in January also recorded with the camera because Jan intends to show it off through Facebook.

Turns out this is not the first of Jan 'act' like this. According to Sarah, her mother was a true adventurer. Jan often invites her daughter diving extreme activities such as zip lining, hot air balloon rides and scuba diving.

"A week after cancer restatement, we also went to Hilton Head to conduct para-sailing," he said.

Sarah was also prompted by the mother cautioned not to grieve with her condition. This girl always remember the message Jan to face a bad situation in a fun way, one of them with her hair cut into a mohawk like this.

And what do the couple's mothers and children also received positive feedback in social media. Incidentally pictures of the mother with a mohawk hair style displayed by Sarah in her Reddit account a few days ago. Not unexpectedly, many who admire the courage Jan.

Top comments read: 'I hope that the chemo was not until this grandma makes hair fall out so that she can inspire everyone'. There also are said Jan is very compatible with the hair style, despite her age no longer young.

'I do not even know him but I love her!' Another commentator wrote. Even apart from the support, there are also some Reddit users who send their stories or offer special treatment packages for Jan. A more redditor also send illustrations Jan as a comic book superhero who wore a pink T-shirt that read 'F *** Cancer'.

"We did not expect this as positive response. But she actually think hair loss is part of the 'fun' of cancer," said Sarah.

To help him through tough times when battling cancer, Jan himself has recorded her experiences while undergoing chemotherapy. The book titled Big C, Little Ta Ta: Kicking Breast Cancer's Butt in 7 Humorous Stories. (detikHealth)
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