Friday, July 3, 2015

New Rules Apply, Reddit Remove Five Groups

dok: Reddit remove five groups (

Reddit sites do not mess with the new regulations set forth since last month.

Reddit remove the five groups that assessed encourage the emergence of disturbances or violence. One of the five groups is Fatpeoplehate. The group has more than 5000 customers.

"Today we announce a change in management reddit. Our goal is to include as many people in order to have the appropriate chat and share ideas and content in an open platform, "said Reddit in his blog.

Fatpeoplehate addition, four other groups who removed Reddit has 149 to 3071 customers.

Many of the judge's removal step group is a positive thing because the group is able to provoke hatred and disruption. But there is also the opinion that it signaled the end of Reddit as an open forum. (Rimanews)
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