Sunday, June 28, 2015

One more prisoner wanted in New York was shot, the search is over

Satu Lagi Napi Buronan di New York Tertembak, Pencarian Usai
A total of 1.300 police were deployed in the hunt for David Sweat (right) and Richard Matt (left) for more than three weeks in New York.

New York - Hunt for more than three weeks against the two prisoners who escaped from jail New York finally over. A prisoner was shot dead, the last fugitives were captured alive after paralyzed by hot lead.

Reported by Reuters, the prisoner David Sweat, shot a policeman who found him near the Canadian border on Sunday (28/6). He still fared well, was shot in the chest, not the head, as experienced by Richard Matt, last Friday.

Matt officer was shot dead in the head while trying to escape. Sweat was shot twice in the Constable, about 2.5 kilometers from the Quebec border in Canada, immediately rushed to the hospital that KNI closely guarded.

Arrest man 35 years was conducted by a New York police officer, Sergeant Jay Cook, who saw Sweat crossing the motorway pm, Sunday.

Sweat ran away while being shouted Cook. The police immediately opened fire on the Sweat on his chest twice.

A total of 1,300 police were deployed to hunt Sweat and Matt. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo relieved the search ends and pinning the title of hero to Cook.

"The nightmare has ended. The action was very brave. I said to Cook, who has two daughters, aged 16 and 17, 'You go home tonight and tell her that you're a hero'," said Cuomo.

Photo Sweat pale chest hurt released on's website. He is still in hospital care and not questioned by police.

Location arrest adrift within 25 kilometers of the shooting Matt. Police had thought the prisoners will attempt to cross into Canada, but did not expect both will run separately.

An autopsy showed that Matt died from a shot three times in the head, causing brain trauma and a fractured skull. Matt also had insect bites, blisters and a little scuffed, proving that he was hiding for three weeks in the jungle.

Sweat DNA was found in a place pepper sprinkled on his body to trick the dogs smell.

Sweat was sentenced to life in prison without bail since 2003 for the murder of a policeman. While Matt, 48, was sentenced to 25 years for kidnapping, robbery and murder of a man in 1997.

Catching alive Sweat will open the veil that covered their escape from Clinton Correctional Institution. They managed to make a hole in the pipe to escape prison.

Two prison guards charged with helping escapees. Warden Gene Palmer, 57, is accused of giving a hacksaw and screwdriver in the second prisoner, hidden in frozen hamburger meat entered by Joyce Mitchell, 51, barber prison. (CNNIndonesian)
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