Sunday, June 14, 2015

Hillary Clinton called Russia, North Korea and Iran as "Enemy" US

Hillary Clinton Sebut Rusia Korut dan Iran Sebagai Musuh AS
Hilarry Clinton called Russia, North Korea  and Iran as traditional threats to the US. (Reuters)

WASHINGTON - One of the candidates for President of the United States (US) from the Democratic Party, Hilarry Clinton called Russia, North Korea (North Korea) and Iran as traditional threats to the US. It is spoken as her campaigned in New York.

Her said, of all countries in the world today, these three countries are the most potential to pose a threat to the US. Clinton said, the development of these countries, particularly in the military field considered the most rapidly at this time.

"No other country in the world that can be positioned as the most developed country in the 21st century. No other country has the potential to become a traditional threat to the United States in addition to Russia, North Korea, and, and at this time we are also dealing with the continued development of China," her said as quoted by Sputnik on Sunday (14/06/2015).

Bill Clinton's wife also said that, if her becomes US president later that he would do anything to protect the US from threats that exist, both traditional threats such as terrorism, or new threats such as cyber attacks.

"As your president, I will do whatever it takes to keep America safe," she said. Clinton himself is predicted to be a strong candidate in the US Presidential election which will take place in 2016.

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