Thursday, June 18, 2015

Four Muslims languish, prohibited fasting when Ramadan

Empat muslim ini merana, dilarang puasa saat ramadan
Xinjiang Muslims. ©Reuters - A total of 1.6 billion Muslims on earth starting today running the fasting. However, not all Muslims can peacefully follow fasting in this holy month.

Most Muslims such as in China, England, India, Myanmar, and in Africa under pressure in the current holy month of Ramadan arrived. They increasingly suffer because fasting is prohibited. In fact they are also forbidden to worship other such tarawih in the mosque.

Who are the Muslims are prohibited from fasting and worship in Ramadan this? Check out his review below.

Empat muslim ini merana, dilarang puasa saat ramadan

1. Muslim Uighurs in China were forced not to fast

Civil Servants in the province of Xinjiang, China, again received a circular from the Communist Party of China. The central government requires that they prohibit any activity of Ramadan, including fasting obligatory for every Muslim.

Hopefully, the civil servants, including the Muslims, in order to make a written flyers to convey directly to the homes of residents about the ban.

"So that citizens will not attend religious activities and not fasting during Ramadan," wrote the circular quoted as saying by International Business Times, Wednesday (17/6).

Xinjiang is a region inhabited by ethnic minority Uighurs. They mixed blood Mongolian and Kazakh, as well as nearly 100 percent is Muslim.

Relations with the Chinese government Uighurs never get along. Uighurs accused terrorists who want to undermine the sovereignty of the Bamboo Curtain country, and then establish an Islamic state. The past two years, dozens of Uighurs were arrested, accused of stabbing incidents of mass in several major cities in China.

A spokesman for the World Uyghur Congress, Dilxat Raxit, said the Chinese government pressure on the Muslim minority in Xinjiang continued to increase every year. He also admitted that he had read the circular letter distributed to ban fast the civil servants in Xinjiang.

Dilxat, who is now exiled to Sweden, confirmed that China continues to suppress the Uighurs then radicalism will grow. "Our people would be a fight more persistent when it continues to be intimidated," he explained.

In a separate report, the Chinese government envoy came Jinghe restaurants in the village, on the border with Kazakhstan. Diner majority of Muslims in the village should remain open during Ramadan.

While last year, the Chinese government banned the Muslim students fasted Ramadan in Xinjiang province. They were forced to eat during the day by local authorities.

In total there are 20 million Muslims in the Bamboo Curtain country. But compared to other ethnic groups, Muslims suffer most in China are Uighurs. Not just a matter of religion, they are also prohibited from using the Uighur language. World Uighur culture was routinely destroyed by Communist Party officials. (

Empat muslim ini merana, dilarang puasa saat ramadan
Muslim schools in London.

2. Elementary Students in the UK are prohibited to fast during Ramadan

Some elementary schools in the capital city of London, England, prohibits students are Muslim fasting Ramadan will begin in mid this week.

School administrators reasoned children's health declined during the Muslim fasting month. For the sake of the smooth running of their activities, the teachers demanded that parents do not oblige learners hunger and thirst. Several primary schools already sent a notification letter fasting ban it for example Barclay Primary in East London, Sybourn Primary, Primary Gamuel Thomas, as well as Brook House Primary.

The Telegraph newspaper reported on Sunday (14/6), the policy is instantly sparked controversy among the British Muslim community. Muslims urged the government to intervene to alert school administrators, that fasting is not obligatory for children. Even if they fast, parents believe their activities will not be interrupted.

"The letter was a clear prohibition of fasting excessive action. Concerns SD managing the health of learners should be discussed well with their parents," said a spokesman for the British Muslim Society (ISB) Ajmal Masroor.

Moreover, the prohibition of fasting letter distributed several schools came together to create the impression of forcing Muslims fasting immature child full day.

"And for the children, especially of primary school age, fasting was not compulsory," said Masroor.

In a circular letter SD Barclay acquired the Daily Mail newspaper, noted that many of the students are Muslim, fell ill or fainted during Ramadan. The school then suggest a child is already fast so do not have school. "If you want to fast, do it at weekends when the school holidays," wrote circulars SD Barclay. (

Empat muslim ini merana, dilarang puasa saat ramadan
Indian cuisine.
3. Workers Muslims in India were forced to eat during Ramadan

In a country with a majority Hindu, a Muslim worker in a cafeteria last year was forced to eat by MPs while in the month of Ramadan.

A lawmaker from the right-wing Shiv Sena party reported rampage at a government office canteen in New Delhi because no available food.

In a video footage of the incident was seen MPs trying to cram the bread into the mouth of a Muslim worker in the cafeteria, as reported by the BBC, in July last year.

Other opposition parties then protested against the Shiv Sena party member and asked him to convey forgiveness.

Video events had circulated in the number of television stations.

"I just know that a Muslim employee after seeing the footage on TV and I regret it," said lawmaker named Rajan Vichare Baburao it to the Press Trust of India. He argued with saying just wanted to protest the quality of food in the canteen. (

Empat muslim ini merana, dilarang puasa saat ramadan
Rescue Rohingya immigrants.
4. Rohingya in Myanmar forbidden to worship in mosques

Muslims of Rohingya in Rakhine State, Myanmar, the holy month of Ramdan suffer if arrive.

Because the Myanmar security forces forbade them to worship at all mosques in Rakhnine. The ban, for example, occurs when the Rohingya Muslims will be fasting in the holy month of Ramadan in 2012.

A number of residents who are witnesses say the ban was valid in the 500 mosques in Rakhine. Sectarian conflict in the region is quite high.

"At the beginning of Ramadan, Nasaka (Myanmar police) sealing six mosques in our region and threatened to arrest or shoot us if we dare to worship there," said Kalimullah, Rohingyas in Rakhine 60-year-old told the South China Morning.

"We hope they will open the mosque for Eid al-Fitr," said Kalimullah when it. (
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