Friday, May 22, 2015

'Driver' Ferrari-Lamborghini in China jailed

Accidents involving two luxury cars, Lamborghini and Ferrari occurred on April 11.

Two young Chinese are racing to use the Ferrari and Lamborghini and had an accident, were each sentenced to four and five months in prison.

In addition to jail, Yu Muchun (20 years) and Tang Wentian (21 years old) is also required to pay a fine of 18,000 yuan,  according to China's official news agency, Xinhua.

Yu and Tang spur luxury sports vehicles in Datun Road Tunnel, tunnel in downtown Beijing on April 11.

During the trial it was revealed both a spur to speed 179 km / h when two of these vehicles can no longer be controlled and eventually crashed into the guardrail and the tunnel wall.

A female passenger in the Lamborghini suffered cracks in the spine.

Children of high officials?

Lamborghini and Ferrari car was badly damaged and one passenger suffered cracks in the spine.

Yu and Tang pleaded guilty and did not appeal the verdict.

"I've made a mistake, gave a bad example for society, and also hurt your family and friends," said Tang who was driving a Lamborghini.

Police said when the two riders aged 20 years and do not have jobs, fueling speculation that they are children of wealthy businessmen or high-ranking officials.

Tang family denied this speculation by saying Tang bought a Lamborghini after reap huge profits from the stock market while Yu was mentioned just rented a Ferrari.

Accidents happen to coincide with the screening of the movie Fast and Furious 7 in the country.
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