Sunday, April 19, 2015

Mysterious Disease Appears in Nigeria, 18 Killed

Penyakit Misterius Muncul di Nigeria, 18 Tewas
(Photo: channelnewsasia)

Lagos - A mysterious disease appeared in Ode-Irele - city in southeast Nigeria - and killed 18 people in 24 hours.

Dayo Adeyanju, Ondo state health commissioner, said 23 people infected and 18 have died. Previously, Koyode Akinmade - spokesman for the state government - say 17 people were killed.

"Seventeen people have died from a mysterious disease that was detected earlier this week," said Akinmade told AFP.

Disease - who presents with symptoms of headache, weight loss, blurred vision, and loss of consciousness - killing the victims in one day.

Nigerian health workers perform initial testing of the patient, and the exclusion of the disease caused by a virus and Ebola.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says has information on 14 cases of this disease, with 12 patients died.

"A common symptom of this disease is penghlihatan suddenly blurred, headache, loss of consciousness, which terminated death occurs within 24 hours," said Tarik Jasarevic, WHO spokesman, told AFP.

Gregory Hartl, WHO spokesman others, said all the victims were killed early symptoms between 13 to 15 of April.

"Health officials, experts from the central government, aid agencies, and WHO epidemiologists, has arrived in Ode-Irele," said Akinmade.

Samples of blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid, from two patients had been taken and sent to Lagos, and the results are not yet known.

"We are still investigating," said Jasarevic.

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