Friday, March 6, 2015

What color of Mars, the Red-Pink or Green-Blue?

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What is the actual color of Mars? (Photo: Daily Mail)

During this time, you know Mars as the Red Planet. But if the color of Mars is really red?

Apparently, the debate taking place in the world space that says that NASA has manipulated photograph Mars to appear red, orange, and pink. It began when the 1970s, NASA's Viking 1 lander which became the first on Mars sends a picture of the planet is blue and green.

But the Viking team members announced at a press conference that although the image impressed on Mars blue sky, the sky there is actually pink. Earth's sky is blue because of a phenomenon known as the 'Rayleigh scattering', in which the particles scattered blue light around the atmosphere. On Mars, the opposite effect occurs. Dust in the atmosphere scatters light red particles, which makes the sky look too red.

NASA claims the blue sky that appear in the first images of Mars since Viking photographs still have to be calibrated with the proper color balance. However, this is disputed by other researchers. Some experts even say photography, images of Mars blue and green is the original, while the now circulating red and pink rather the result of modifications that change the original color of the pixel.

Well, what do you think? To be sure, we have to actually go to Mars right.

(Source: Daily Mail)
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