Wednesday, July 15, 2015

American forms of military operations prevent attacks Asteroid

Amerika Bentuk Operasi Militer Cegah Serangan Asteroid
Illustration asteroid hit the earth (

Conspiracy theories Judgment in September 2015 continue to reverberate. Trust the earth will be destroyed by a massive asteroid strike on Earth. A number of parties were preparing themselves to face the attack of the space rock, one of which is the United States military.

Reported pages Inquisitr, Tuesday, June 9, 2015, the land of Uncle Sam's military is preparing through the operation named Jade Helm 15. The operation was designed to deal with the potential danger that threatens his country.

Unknown, Jade Helm 15 is the largest military exercise in the history of the United States conducted from July 15 to 15 September. Jade Helm 15 is prepared to ward off alien attacks that could threaten the country.

In other words, Jade Helm 15 will be operated in case of potential turmoil that hit the World against the United States.

According to the conspiracy theory, attack the asteroid to Earth will cause turmoil that is so powerful that it will worsen the situation and the threat to the United States.

As expressed by one of the bloggers on the site Whistleblower800. He writes, politicians the world has failed to stop the attack surface of the asteroid to hit Earth. Thus, humans have to prepare for a huge brawl later in September.

"It (the asteroid) is the reason why Jade Helmet done. No longer possible to cover everything, Jade Helmet is an insurance policy," he said.

Furthermore, according to the blogger, the largest military operation of the United States it will block all the noise that is inevitable after the impact of the asteroid to Earth attacks.

"Jade Helm has troops in various places to suppress chaos and revolution. In the cities, the worst unrest will begin to be born and we were messing up will form the opposition. The US military will shoot us because it was seen as a fool who refuses to save the planet," he said.

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