Saturday, March 28, 2015

Tim Cook Awarded World's Greatest Leader

Tim Cook Dianugerahkan World's Greatest Leader
California - Fortune bestowed the title of Worlds Greates Leader on Apple CEO Tim Cook. Cook name in first place in the list of 50 great leaders in the world.

Through his article, Fortune assess Tim Cook Apple has been able to transform for the better. Cook is considered not to mimic the way the leadership of Steve Jobs, but create their own leadership characteristics.

Unlike the Jobs which tend individualist and want to know every detail of the work, Cook would listen to the opinions of others and to work together with others for mutual prosperity.

Cook also suggested to share and contribute to social activities, something that almost never done by Jobs. Results from Cook visible leadership of the company's value Apple continues to climb.

From the US technology giant also began to pay dividends to its investors fun and expand the area of ​​marketing new products with more aggressive.

Besides Cook, in the list of 50 latest world leaders of Fortune, there are names of Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini occupying position 24.

Fortune judge that Tri Rismaharini able to transform into a metropolis of Surabaya different green and supporting environmental sustainability.

The full list of 50 leaders into the Worlds Greates Leader you can see in the following link.
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