Monday, March 30, 2015

Now 'Night Vision' Can Grown in Human Eyes

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Maybe you've seen Night Vision technology in action movies? Now the technology is deliberately implanted in the eye of a man named Gabriel Licina.

Strange but True. The term is suitable dressing for the mad scientist from Los Angeles, United States. Because scientists who are members of the Science for the Masses is trying to use a liquid chemical called Chlorine e6 or commonly called CE6, which is found in the inland sea and normally used for night vision method (night vision).

Gabriel Licina be the guinea pig in this technology. CE6 fluid accidentally dripped into the eyes and placed around the conjunctival sac, which took him to the retina of the eye to obtain Night Vision capabilities.

The Result? This experiment successfully applied, Licina able to see from a distance of 10-59 meters in the dark. At first he could only see a few objects at close range, but over time he was able to identify the moving objects in the distance.

Well, maybe Licina be one person in the world who are interested in having super powers. You also interested to try this technology?

(Source: Mic)
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