Saturday, March 28, 2015

For Sale! Home Shaped Sex Male

Dijual! Rumah Berbentuk Kelamin Pria
(Photo: huffingtonpost)
Sydney - A male genitalia-shaped house, located near Sydney, Australia, selling for about 853 thousand dollars.

Officially, the house was named Sherwin House, but the neighbors call Penis House, and rogue reporter gave the name of Buckingham Phallus.

Site designed and reported house founded by Stan Symonds, renowned Australian architect.

The house consists of four bedrooms circular. Only from the heights we can see the whole house, and shape.

Phil Vanstone, eastate estate agent selling the house, said her husband is not tired of seeing the house.

"The husband and wife will nudge as he ordered to shut up every time I see this house," Vanstone said the Daily Telegraph.

Vanstone believe this male genitalia-shaped design was intentional.

"I imagine Symonds know the shape of this house," said Vanstone Mashable, the current owner.

Apart from the unusual shape, it is relatively beautiful home. Standing in the quiet bush. Walls of the house is a double stone and concrete construction, with a beautiful figure of stone market. There is a glass floor in the living room and dining room.

It is not known whether there is a bid of this home, or had no interest in it did not buy because of its odd shape.



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