Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Mysterious Woman 'Defecating' in The Hospital Lobby

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Mysterious woman defecating in the hospital lobby (photo: Mirror)

Do not understand what is in mind an old woman who recorded CCTV defecating in a hospital lobby. She did so when the situation is crowded.

In the CCTV video obtained from a hospital in Istanbul, Turkey, is seen that there is a woman dressed in black walking in a corridor lobby, then a suspicious action.

After passing the elevator, she suddenly stopped and leaned against the wall, looking to the right and to the left, make sure there are no passersby. Then suddenly, she defecated on the floor in a state of stand! Not only that, after a bowel movement, the women went straight casually as if it did not happen.

Cash only, this incident directly horrendous people passing by and saw the rest of the mysterious female defecating. Until now, his identity is still unknown, but the hospital to make sure she was not their inpatients.

(Source: Mirror)
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