Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Caught Stealing, Tourist 'Paraded Around The Village in Gili

Tertangkap Mencuri, Bule `Diarak Keliling Kampung` di Gili
Caucasian men paraded around the village when caught stealing in Gili, West Nusa Tenggara Province.

Is the largest island of the three islands in the northwest of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Gili presents a natural landscape not just lucrative, but also satisfy the lovers of beach scent. The beauty of a very white beaches, coral reefs, and the extraordinary biological richness and a major reason tourists to visit there.

A favorite activity of tourists there are scuba diving (with PADI certified), snorkeling (on the northeast coast), kayaking, and surfing. There are also several places for tourists to learn to ride around the island.

With the charm and the facilities it offered Gili, no doubt, if the tourist tempted to do exploration there. The backpacker was more visible when you visit there.

However, it seems that the beauty of the island of Gili seems to have no effect for this one white guy. Through CCTV known that he is a culprit bags innocent tourists. Fellow tourist steal each other?

If you are in Jakarta, maybe when the bag was stolen actions taken just 'resigned'. However, the incident did not apply in Gili. There will be no escape word for thieves, as quoted from page WowShack, Tuesday (24/03/2015).

Crime is increasingly becoming an interesting story since the Caucasians did not receive a criminal conviction, but a social sanction from the local community. Yes, along with the security officer, he must `paraded around village` by draping a mark on his neck to make him feel ashamed.

What do you think? What is an effective way to instill a deterrent for the perpetrators of the theft?
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