Friday, February 6, 2015

Men Often Have Intercourse With a Corpse - Videos

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Men often have intercourse with a corpse. (photo: youtube)

Strange! The man frm Ghana is proud to say often intercourse with a corpse. He admitted that he had repeatedly had sex with the corpse.

Men who work as employees of this mortuary, admitted having sex with the corpse is part of the exercise before doing his job.

"I actually wanted to get married, but she said I was the morgue. I can satisfy myself in the morgue because they no one wants a date with me," said the man named Sharkar Lucas, working in a morgue at Korle Bu, hospitals Teaching.

Lucas said he was told by his superiors to have sex with a corpse. This was done as part of the training. "It is an exercise that should you live, because once you do that then you will not feel scared anymore," said Lucas.

After his interview with VibeGhana, Lucas was fired from his job and admitted he was being chased by police. Lucas also said that his mental health is not compromised, and claimed to be fine.

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