Monday, February 23, 2015

Mayor of Jerusalem round up 'the perpetrators of stabbing'

Nir Barkat
Nir Barkat (right) speaks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after giving a press statement.

Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, apprehended a Palestinian man who allegedly stabbed a Jewish ultra-Orthodox.

Of the CCTV camera footage looks Barkat out of the car when he saw the stabbing that occurred near City Hall in central Jerusalem, Sunday (22/02). He then arrested the alleged offender before the attack bodyguard capture the man and handed it to the police.

27-year-old victim was taken to hospital for treatment. Police say the alleged offender entered Israel illegally. Barkat, in a press statement on Monday (23/02), said that he and his bodyguards took the initiative to apprehend the suspect.

"I and bodyguards out of the car, pointed the gun to her bodyguard ... and we secured a terrorist until the police came (to the scene)," said Barkat.

Stabbing motive is unknown, but this is not the first incident. Last January a Palestinian man armed with a knife wounded 12 people who were on the bus in Tel Aviv.

(Source: BBC Indonesia)
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