Monday, February 23, 2015

Lion Air to admit 'too late to take a decision'

Edward Sirat (left) recognizes staff Lion Air 'too late to take a decision'

Lion Air flight disruptions that led to the cancellation of more than 100 airlines Lion Air last week's recognized leadership of the airline as a result of the staff were not able to take decisions quickly.

The announcement was made by the General Director of Lion Air, Edward Sirait, told reporters at the headquarters of Lion Air, Monday (23/02)

Edward explains that the cancellation of up to 100 weeks Lion Air flight due to disruption of the three planes in Semarang and at Soekarno Hatta Airport.

But why three planes wide impact?

"Each plane handles five to six flight service, but the problem is right to change or withdraw the flight schedule backup aircraft can take hours," said Edward.

He apologized to the passengers who feel the Lion abandoned them and did not provide adequate information.

Edward also claimed the management Lion located at Soekarno Hatta should work better.

"I said the decision on the field fast enough ... and about the procedure, whether it be understood by them (staff Lion Air in Cengkareng). Both have to be a team that later when there are such things could soon decide the procedure well, thus the handling of passengers according to the procedure, "he added.

Freezing route Lion Air

Cancellation of 100 flights Lion Air reportedly affect 2,000 passengers

On Friday (20/02) the Minister of Transportation, Ignatius Jonan, announced sanctions for Lion Air is a new route but freezing trade observers consider it less effective.

"Sanctions are not the solution, most simply put out the fire alone .. But for the long term should be internal and external audit, if the manual is well understood to be audited for example .. the whole of the level of management to the lowest level so that the problem can be seen anywhere," Analysts said the flight, Sukardi Ocean.

In response, the Ministry of Transportation said freezing new route aims to Lion Air can design standard operating procedures (SOPs) are effective in dealing with the crisis.

"The new route license application Lion Air only if it can convince the SOP in handling the crisis due to flight cancellations want any delays to protect consumers in a professional manner," said DGCA Suprasetyo.

He also said that the Ministry of Transportation will conduct a comprehensive examination on the cheap airline.

Previous speculation related causes massive cancellation of flights Lion Air circulation, including flight crew strike. But Edward has denied all the rumors.

"There is no strike, no financial problems, internal sabotage, refund (reimbursement) has been done and our rights back, for a flight that we closed on Friday until 24:00've direfund 100% and are willing to reschedule the flights will be provided free of charge by the same route," he said.

(Source: BBC Indonesia)
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