Monday, February 23, 2015

WHO campaign to end the used syringes

Contaminated needles causes millions of cases of HIV and Hepatitis every year.

The World Health Organization (WHO) launched a massive campaign to reduce infections caused by used needles.

Syringes were dirty and contaminated the cause millions of cases of HIV and Hepatitis every year. In one village in Cambodia more than 270 people are believed to have HIV - the virus that causes AIDS - as a health worker is not authorized to use hypodermic needles, which then spread the disease.

WHO urges the use of disposable syringes (single-use syringe) that they expect to be standard practice in 2020. Marc Koska, the inventor of the disposable syringe, said that at first glance there is no difference between conventional hypodermic needles and syringes.

"Exactly the same shape. The needle is made of the same material and the same equipment as well. The cost of production is also the same. Likewise with the operation," Koska said in an interview with the BBC.

What is different is when the means of pressure fluid is withdrawn, the constriction device will lock automatically and then broken into two. This situation forced the syringe can no longer be used.

(Source: BBC Indonesia)
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