Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Interesting Facts Search Engines Memex

Illustration (gettyimages)

Memex name is on the rise in recent days. Derived from the abbreviation of memory and index, Memex is a specialized search engine Dark Web, which was developed by the research institute US Department of Defense named Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA).

This project has been going on for a year and will continue until the next two years. The goal is to develop software with capabilities such as search engines in general, but with a more specific search location. And the search results are not influenced by advertisers or rating.

In the making, DARPA hook 17 different contractors. Although not expressed explicitly, but this project will reportedly spend as much research as USD 10-20 million.

Can Track Hacker

In addition to reaching out content that is in the conventional sites, Memex can also map the sites that are in Tor Hidden Services, the sites that have .onion address which usually can only be accessed through the Tor browser.

Tor is free software that can be used to communicate anonymously. Tor name itself comes from the first project of this software, namely 'The Onion Router'.

He will direct traffic through the Internet more than six thousand relay to keep the location of its users. And this is the habitat Tor hackers, where they can interact freely without fear of being caught by the authorities.

On the other hand, conventional search engines such as Google or Bing can not reach the network.

"We're trying to move forward with an automatic mechanism that can find hidden sites, and make accessible the content in it," said Christopher White, a program manager Memex.

Google Just Reaching 10% of Web Content

Many refer to Google as the search engine giant, whereas these services can only reach about 10% of the total pages in the web. While there are thousands of other web activity are undocumented and hidden behind a private server.

The pages of this secret will be the target Memex. But DARPA certainly will not reveal how it works in detail, mainly because the software is still under development.

Memex is not the first search engine that can be penetrated Dark Web, because the month of April 2014, a group of users Dark Web also makes similar search engine. They named Gram, which has a view like Google but with some modifications.

Police to stock analysts so users Memex

Indeed, this software was created to help combat human trafficking activities, but Memex could also have a role in business activities.

"The algorithm used to study the activity of human trafficking can be easily transferred to other things that are of interest," said Jeff Schneider, a professor at Carnegie Mellon's School of Computer Science, which became one of the contractors working on the hook Darpa for Memex.

With the ability to explore the Dark Web, stock analysts can use Memex to find information relevant to the shares they hold. Can also be used to disassemble the case of fraud or other illegal activity in the world of business.

Not only that, Memex can also calculate the relationship hidden from sites that have previously been mapped to other sites that may have an illegal activity.
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